
Woman believes she's found the worst Quality Street sweet but people are divided

Woman believes she's found the worst Quality Street sweet but people are divided
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It's getting to that time of year again when the big chocolate boxes are being stacked up in supermarkets leading us all to regret how many we consume over the Christmas period.

When it comes to this type of confectionary there are few that can compete against the might of Quality Street which has staggeringly been around since 1936 and with its variety of treats everyone has got their favourite but few would agree on which is the worst because after all: to each their own.

Well, to try and settle this once and for all, a woman on Reddit conducted an office experiment to try and find out which was the least popular.

The simple test basically looked at how what was left over after the office had had their fill over the box and perhaps surprisingly the least popular were the toffee pennies.

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Reddit user Poopywall shared an image on the Casual UK subreddit of five lonely toffee pennies on a desk and added in the caption: "The office have silently voted. This is the worst Quality Street sweet."

It appears that some people would agree. One person said: "I used to like these when I was a kid. Now they make me worry about my fillings."

Another added: "In my experience they're also the most numerous."

A third said: "Yes, but at my age eating the toffee pennies the only dangerous sport that I can do."

However, some passionately disagreed and came to the defence of the toffee penny. One person wrote: "Blasphemy. Gimme them all."

Another said: "They're my favourites. The only ones I even eat are these, the caramel sticks and the solid lumps of chocolate."

A third added: "I thought the worst ones were strawberry delight / orange creams?"

A fourth said: "I do really like them, but it’s basically playing Russian Roulette with your fillings."

One person did have a novel solution to consuming the toffee pennies even if you don't think your teeth can handle it. They wrote: "A great use for these if you like them, but like me, have teeth that can’t handle them, is to have them in biscuits. Chop them up with a sharp knife and chunk the pieces into your biscuit dough of choice. I like shortbread, also works nicely in cookies."

Not gonna lie, that sounds delicious.

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