Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.
Each year, 800,000 people die by suicide, according to the World Health Organisation.
That is one person every 40 seconds.
Stats from the United States show that there are roughly 25 attempts for each suicide.
Suicide its the 15th leading cause of death globally with the suicide rate.
With these sort of statistics in mind, World Suicide Prevention Day aims to reach out to anyone struggling by opening up the conversation.
Here are seven things you should know:
1. There are plenty of people who want to help
The #WorldSuicidePreventionDay hashtag on Twitter is brimming with offers of help.
And reminders that it's okay open up.
2. Stigma and misinformation remains a very real problem
A survey released on World Suicide Prevention Day found that Australians have mixed attitudes and behaviour towards people who die by suicide, and an inaccurate understanding of suicide and its prevention.
For example, almost one in five Australians think that talking about suicide increases the risk of it.
Suicide Prevention Australia CEO Sue Murray said:
Evidence tells us that stigmatising attitudes result in people being less likely to get help or give help.Â
If we don't speak up about persistent stigma, we are at risk of perpetuating a society where we remain reluctant to reach out for help ourselves or others.Â
In the UK, over 90 per cent of people have no idea of the numbers of people who die by suicide every year, revealed a survey.
Between 6,000 and 7,000 people die by suicide every year in the UK, which is someone every 90 minutes.
3. Take time to chat with your friends and family
Whether by making a friend a cup of tea or even inviting them for a run.
Alex Stanley used his London marathon training to do just this.
4. You can get involved in campaigns
Spread the word of the Samaritans' campaign by emailing your local politician to ask them to do everything they can.
If you've been an in-patient in hospital following a mental health crisis, and have a bit of time, take this survey about your experiences of care, which will help inform Mind's campaigning work.
5. Just asking someone if they're doing okay can make a difference
The Samaritans offer five simple listening tips to make sure that whoever you are speaking to feels heard.
Learn more in this video:
If you are feeling vulnerable, upset or depressed there is always someone available to talk and help.
You can contact the Samaritans 24-hours a day for free via their website or phone line 116123
If you're LGBTQI and in need of someone to talk to, Switchboard LGBT offer advice and help every day from 10am to 10pm on their website and on 0300 330 0630
Alternatively, if you suspect a young person might be feeling suicidal, you can call Childlinefor help and advice on 0800 111
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