Matthew Champion
Nov 01, 2014

OK, OK so Halloween is thankfully over for another year but this is funny enough to publish in November, and it's not exactly like costumes can't be bought at other points in the year.
The Delicious Women's PhD Darling Sexy (sic) costume looks as ridiculous as it sounds, but it prompted an amazing Amazon review bomb... by actual women with PhDs or studying for them.
Here are some of the best:
Sleeves are too short & have no stripes. Costume does not feature a hood. This is a "sexy BA" at best.
- Alyssa Picard
Like all lady Ph.D's, I frequently ask myself: "How could I be sexier?"
Delicious costumes has come to my rescue! I can now lecture in my 5 inch gold spiked heels and "barely there" regalia while giving nary a thought to the male gaze and it's implications on the prevalence of rape culture in our society.
I fully expect my chili pepper rating on RMP to go through the roof once I begin to greet my students in this costume. Hopefully I can keep my post structural hegemony's from engaging in some wardrobe malfunctions. Then again, who cares?
I'm sexy! Forget about the 7 years I spent sweating out a dissertation and engaging in innovative research!
- Dawn Rouse
As a lady PhD student, let me say how much of a relief it is to see them accurately describe what we wear every day. I don't care if it isn't proper PPE, how else will we find husbands if not for our degree in sexy? Bravo to Delicious costumes for supporting women's education in letting us know that we're only as smart as our skirts are short.
- ajohns1920
When I left my nursing job for graduate school, I was so distressed. I mean what was I going to wear? There were plenty of sexy nurse costumes that I could wear to honor my accomplishments in that profession, but after I attained my PhD there was something missing. I was better educated, but not sexy. Until now. Thank you, Delicious Costumes, for filling the void. You've given women like me who have worked our asses off earning our degrees a way to show our asses off, too. Keep it classy, Amazon.
- Mary from MN
After spending 6 years earning my PhD - hot summers of field work, battles with my advisors - I was looking forward to marching for my hooding. First, this costume does not come with a tam but with a mortarboard. Everyone knows that mortarboards squash my up-do and do not show off my hard-earned boobs properly - it's just too straight and hard, and trust me, boys, that doesn't always work. Secondly, this set of regalia is just too long. It covers my ass almost completely, and how is any self-respecting fellow PhD man (much less a student) supposed to find me attractive if he can't scope out my ass? I mean, I have standards, you know. And C), I wanted to be able to coordinate it with my Ravenclaw house colors, but the blue on this is ALL WRONG. And fourthly: FABRICS, people. It's not even WORSTED polyester. I might as well just shop at Kohl's. All that work for NOTHING.
- The Science Chick
I'm another lady PhD, and there's no way this 34" bustline would ever fit a REAL woman. And there's no way a REAL PhD would ever be caught in a mortarboard. We wear velvet tams, which are like the sexiest thing ever.
And why doesn't it come with fishnets? It needs to come with fishnets. Give us fishnets and you got something.
- J Elizabeth Gunter, PhD
How on earth did I ever survive the drudgery of earning 4 degrees in 10 years with 96 more academic credits than I needed to graduate with a PhD in clinical psychology with a specialization in neuropsychology while raising a child, running a home AND working without being able to don such a fetching ensemble to wear during my daily 40- mile commute? Because you know - all those degrees, specialty training in neurocognitive functioning, along with the 6-figure income I earn as a specialist, and Mensa membership just aren't sexy enough by themselves. I'm not a complete woman if I can't also trivialize all the time, money and effort it took to get to where I am today unless I can also show my ample cleavage and my backside. I'm actually kind of sad that you haven't insulted highly educated women with a similarly themed really skanky piece of lingerie, but if you're going to do it, the least you could do is do it right - really low cut with blue velvet bars and a tam.
- Sharna L Wood PhD "drsharna"
I have to admit that this costume is very accurate for the humanities departments (especially philosophy). Also, some of my colleagues from computer sciences wear such robes on daily basis (both genders, so it is not only for delicious women). However, I have to say that this costume is not accurate at all for anyone trying to pass as a Ph.D. from the life sciences. For starters, the skirt is way too long. Also, the scarf should be silver, not gold. Anyone with a Ph.D. will recognize you as an impostor.
- Zelig
If you liked these then you'll enjoy the reviews on the Amazon page for Bic's 'for her' range.
More: [The best things to do with Halloween we found on the internet]3
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