
Woman divides TikTok over ‘Southern delicacy’ of adding peanuts to bottle of Coke

A TikToker has divided people on after sharing a South delicacy see enjoys - peanuts mixed in with Coke.

In her original video, Trazia Rae (@traziarae) shows herself adding peanuts to a bottle of Pepsi and asks: “Does anybody else do this?” and later asks again, “Is this just a Florida thing?”

You can watch the video in full here.

Peanuts in Coke has been a thing since the 1920sTikTok/traziarae

Trazia’s question appeared to divide people with some saying they had never heard of the concoction before.

One person wrote: “No. Reminds me when my niece or nephew asks for a sip of my drink and they leave crumbs in it from the snack they were eating.”

“No and that’s a nobody thing,” another person said with a laughing emoji.

Someone else asked: “I’ve lived in Florida my whole 31 years of existence and have never seen this, but I’m curious. Do you eat the peanuts? Does it just flavour the soda?”

Meanwhile, others - predominantly from southern states - had heard of the delicacy before.

One person wrote: “It’s definitely a southern thing people lol.”

“That is not a Florida thing, more like the south,” another person replied.

For those who were unaware of the creation, Trazia decided to post a follow-up video where she talks through what you do.

You can watch the video in full here.

“OK, I am shocked at comments how nobody has ever heard of this.

“OK, so you take a Coke and you get peanuts - you can get any type - I like to use salted peanuts, my mom got dry roasted peanuts but you can either put it in a Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, I’ve seen people put it in Sun drops, you can put it in any type of soda you want.

Trazia goes on to give her preferred beverage where she thinks “it tastes better in like a darker soda such as like Pepsi or Coke.”

She then adds most of the packet of peanuts into the bottle of cherry Coke where they can be seen swirling around in the drink.

The TikToker takes a swig and comments on how the peanuts are “actually really good with cherry Coke” and tells viewers that you just drink the Coke and eat the peanuts.

Trazia adds the dry roasted peanuts to her bottle of cherry CokeTikTok/traziarae

Since uploading her follow-up, it has received over 3.2m views, with 325,000 likes and thousands of comments where people joked about the concoction, comparing it to chewy tapioca balls found in bubble tea.

One person wrote: “It’s hillbilly boba, I love it.”

“Never heard of this. It’s like some weird Southern boba,” another person commented.

While others revealed the origins of the southern delicacy.

Someone else added: “This is a very real thing!! It started around the 1920s when workers would just put their peanuts in soda because their hands were dirty.”

“The miners did this because their hands were oily and it was easier to snack on the go from them,” another person replied.

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