
Woman finds hidden safe belonging to previous home owner and opens it

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One homeowner made a shocking discovery under her carpet that sent TikTok spiraling: a hidden locked safe.

TikTok user @imthefookinlizardking made the discovery when she was completing her chores in the house and noticed her carpet had uneven marks.

As anyone would be in her position, she became determined to prop it open and find out what was inside. She then documented her next steps on the social media app which included calling various locksmiths.

In her first video, Liz shares that she believes the deposit box could have been left untouched for the past 20 years.

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In the video's voice over she explains: "I bought a house in November and just found a hidden safe in the floor. The house was built in the late 70s."

Footage shows the woman flipping over a small patch of carpet to reveal a metal lid. When she lifts it up, viewers see a small compact beige safe box with a turning dial facing up.

Reply to @peacefulchaos336 #secrettunnel #hiddensafe Part 2!!Updates / Answering your questions / responding to recommendations.


Reply to @peacefulchaos336 #secrettunnel #hiddensafe Part 2!!Updates / Answering your questions / responding to recommendations.

Reply to @peacefulchaos336 #secrettunnel #hiddensafe Part 2!!Updates / Answering your questions / responding to recommendations.

As noticed by the TikToker and viewers, the safe featured a sticker that revealed the company's name that read "Bundy's Lock and Safe Co.", along with a phone number and an address.

"I noticed it when I was vacuuming and I saw some random fray on the carpet behind the door and right here, there's a line," Liz says in a follow up video.

She continues: "So I ran my vacuum over there and those things aren't coming up, so I got down to investigate and I was able to pull the carpet up – boom, hidden safe."

Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought.


Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought.

Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought.

Yesterday, however, Liz shared a video of her and the locksmith, Jim, opening up the safe once and for all—only to reveal a whole lot of nothing waiting for her.

Turns out there was nothing inside the safe, leaving Liz disappointed. In the clip she says: "That's it? It's empty! Oh no, that's okay though."

Jim adds: "At least you have a bad a** safe."

"Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought." she captioned her video.

Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought.


Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought.

Secret tunnel? More like secret bummer ☹️ thanks for going on this wild ride with me. Jim loves you all. And yes, he was as cool as we thought.

The story has a happy ending though as Liz assured TikTok users that she plans to "fill it with weird treasures for the future owner of this house to stumble upon."

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