
Woman treks 80 blocks in flood-struck New York for date in viral TikTok

How much effort would you put into a first date? Some would be put off by the mildest inconvenience on their journey, whereas others will trek through a literal storm to make it.

TikTok user cassidydangler opted for the latter and ventured 80 blocks through the flooded streets of New York to meet her date.

Her video racked up almost six million views and a million likes.

The video starts with a shot of rain battering a windy New York street with the text: “When you accidentally go on a first date in a hurricane because you feel bad cancelling last minute and he wants to go.”


it’s brutal out here #nyc #nycdating #hinge #bumble #firstdate #newyorkcity #dating #datingstorytime #hurricaneida #datingapp #nycdating

“I just had to document this,” she laughed, as she braced against the storm and showed viewers her broken umbrella.

“I’m just saying if I don’t find love with this kind of effort put in, who will?”

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After the date she reappeared and delivered her verdict: “The date which was one single hour long in which he made me pay for myself when I trekked here in a literal hurricane — we walked outside and he said ‘yeah you’re right, we should’ve rescheduled’.”

The kicker is he lived only 10 blocks away — whereas she lives 80.

Oh no.

Her journey home was no better. She showed a clip of her pouring water out of her boot in a subway station before getting on a train that went past her stop. As she walked back home from the train she joked: “No man on earth has ever made a woman this wet.”

She continued: “You know, it’s moments like this when you really know whether you’re a Sex and the City kind of New York girl or you’re a Broad City kind of New York girl. Guess which one I am?”

When she finally got home she said: “Zero out of ten, do not recommend going on a date in a tornado slash hurricane.”

Her night wasn’t all bad though, as she topped the evening off with a margarita on the couch.

One commenter joked: “No first date is worth this.”

Another said: “They say dating in New York is hard but wow.”

Another TikTok user brought up what we were all thinking: “Nah first red flag is not him wanting to go somewhere that’s at least halfway for both of ya’ll.” [sic]

A day later, we got the update we were all waiting for.


y’all asked for it! #nyc #nycdating #hinge #firstdate #newyorkcity #dating #datingstorytime #hurricaneida #datingapp #datinglife #nyclife @gameofroses

She said they went rock climbing, but sadly they didn’t click. However, she did go on another date with a different boy that went much better.

“I have no regrets, I got a really good story out of it,” she laughed.

One of the top comments on the update video reads: “He’s definitely gonna reach out before a blizzard this winter.”

Another joked: “Nothing like dating in NYC to make you prefer the hurricane to the person.”

In another update last night she posted a TikTok addressing a question she was undoubtedly asked dozens of times: “Why would you go on a first date in a hurricane like some hopeless romantic?”

In response, she simply played cute clips from the sitcom How I Met Your Mother.


i meeean… #nyc #nycdating #firstdate #hurricane #datingapps #dating #newyorkcity #datinglife #newyorklife #nyclife #himym #newyorkcheck

One sweet comment reads: “Life is all about experiences, what a great story you have to tell now!”.

Although there was no spark on the date, the night she braved a hurricane to meet a boy will surely be a funny anecdote to be told for years to come.

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