Happy Yorkshire Day! Here's why we think the other 364 days of the year need a little more Yorkshire in them.
1. York has an actual Viking Festival.

Jorvik Viking Festival2. As well as internationally-renowned medieval plays.

Via York Mystery Plays
3. Food, glorious food. More specifically, Yorkshire Tea, and Yorkshire Puddings...

4. Not forgetting Yorkshire Terriers.
5. Jarvis Cocker, Judi Dench and One Direction's Louis Tomlinson all hail from Yorkshire.

Here are cake versions of the stars celebrating that fact.
6. People from Yorkshire are a pretty talented bunch.

If Yorkshire had been a country in the 2012 Olympics, it would have finished 12th.
7. Plus this is how they welcomed the Tour de France last month...

8. And this is what the route looked like.

9. Finally, this is what the Yorkshire Moors look like:

This is probably why they call it God's own country.