Evan Bartlett
Apr 05, 2015

Nigel Farage has been followed around by a man dressed as Jesus
This morning, Ukip leader Nigel Farage tweeted:
A pleasant and innocuous enough Easter message, but just yesterday he was repeating his demand for immigrants with HIV to be banned from coming to the UK.
He first made the comments last year and reiterated them to arguably a wider audience in last week's leaders' debate. In an interview with Sky News yesterday, which touched on religion, he said preventing foreign-born HIV sufferers from getting treatment on the NHS was a "sensible Christian thing" to do.
Well, we think Farage has neglected his New Testament of late, because that doesn't sound very Christian to us at all. But it did get us remembering these photos from last year, when a man dressed as Jesus began following him around London.
The Jesus pictures were taken after a bad couple of days for Farage, after receiving his lowest ever opinion rating he then proceeded to defend the racist and homophobic comments of a disgraced former Ukip candidate live on radio.
At the time, Farage didn't look too impressed.
But then again neither did Jesus.
All images courtesy of Rex. Please note this article was initially published in December
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