
What women want from porn

What women want from porn

Some NSFW content

A new analysis of female visitors to the Pornhub and RedTube porn websites has been published by the Daily Beast.

Here are four things we learned


The three most searched for porn terms for women are:

  • Lesbian
  • Threesome
  • Squirt


The most-viewed category overall? Lesbian.


The most-searched for pornstar isn't a pornstar at all.

The top five searches for named individuals are:

  • Kim Kardashian
  • Farrah Abraham
  • Lisa Ann
  • James Deen
  • Mia Khalifa


The overall gender split for visitors to Pornhub and RedTube is 24/76 women/men. Here are the countries that have a higher-than-average proportion of female visitors:

Philippines (35 per cent) Brazil (35 per cent) India (30 per cent) Argentina (30 per cent) Poland (29 per cent) Sweden (29 per cent) Australia (28 per cent) Mexico (28 per cent) Netherlands (27 per cent) Belgium (27 per cent) Spain (26 per cent) Russia (25 per cent) France (24 per cent)

HT The Daily Beast

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