Josephine Desgrand, a 17-year-old student from Queensland, Australia, lost 60 kg - more than nine stone - after severe bullying at school took place.
According to Desgrand, who weighed 120 kg aged 16, she felt embarrassed about her size.
She told Daily Mail Australia:
I hated myself and the way I looked. I didn't have any friends and I just didn't like going out in public.
She also said she kept on weight because of the large portions she would often serve herself.
She told the Fraser Coast Chronicle:
I’d have really big portions and always go back for seconds and thirds...I had a lot of fruit smoothies because I thought they were healthy but now I know fruit is full of natural sugars so I don’t drink them anymore.
Halving her weight was achieved by cutting out carbohydrates, and reducing the amount of fruit she ate to avoid sugar.
I treated fruits as a candy bar and only ate a certain amount each week. I also cut out carbs so I haven’t eaten bread or pasta or even chocolate in one year.
According to Desgrand, her cravings vanished within two weeks of the diet.
Exercise, of course, was also a key part of her body transformation, and Josephine saved money by doing workouts at home, drawing inspiration from the YouTube channel The Body Coach.
15 minute exercises, done three times per workout session became her routine.
I always planned to go to the gym when I lost a bit of weight first at home and now that I have, I’m looking to join a gym and get a personal trainer to tone up.
She told Daily Telegraph Australia:
No one believed I could do it so one day I wanted to prove them wrong and I stuck to it and I started taking transformation photos which inspired me.
HT Fraser Coast Chronicle, Daily Mail Australia
More: Woman who lost 7 stone explains why 'diets don't work'