Mimi Launder
Apr 05, 2018

Warwickshire Police
Have you seen this man? If so, you're unlikely to forget him any time soon.
Warwickshire Police took to Twitter with a plea for information, sharing a bizarre e-fit of a suspected burglar with an gargantuan grin.
The police maintain the e-fit is absolutely real and should be taken seriously.
Despite the police's best efforts, people are not taking this seriously.
The internet is struggling to believe that this isn't some big, bizarre joke.
The force is searching for the man in connection with a burglary in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Two men claiming to be from Orbit Housing tricked their way into a woman’s flat. One of them distracted her, while the other searched the property and stole some cash.
The e-fit, or Electronic Facial Identification Technique, creates a computer render of the burglar's face based on descriptions of his features.
They tend to produce more accurate estimates of suspected criminals - even wide-grinning burglars who enjoy the liberal use of lipstick can't get away.
More: Police used a trick from The Simpsons to catch criminals and it actually worked
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