
Britain has voted to name two gritting lorries and the winners are genius

iStock / Michael_Dodd

A council in Britain is nobly honouring democracy by getting the public to vote on names for their two new gritter lorries.

Doncaster Council has taken up the challenge Oldham Council started the tradition last year.

Doncaster asked the public to name two newcomers, begging them to please let Boaty McBoatface die. Please. It is time for a new era of transport naming devices.

We know Doncaster Council are worthy name-choosers, after they put forward the names of their other gritters:

So much for 'two titans' - the first round was not tight with The Gravellator receiving a frosty reception.

It quickly became clear - if it wasn't already - that the British public has a passion for puns on famous names, and puns on famous names only.

And now it gets interesting as an underdog emerges.

Gritzy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Anti-slip Machinery broke down the British fondness for puns.

The voted ploughed on, with the semi-finals between the big boys.

We were eventually down to four choices, split between only two spots.

And the winners are...

These plows will be heroes for more than one day.

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