
People are finding out what their names ‘mean’ on Urban Dictionary in new Instagram trend

Since the 1990s Urban Dictionary has been go-to place to discover the meaning behind different slang phrases, and now the online library has gone viral again in 2021 – so what’s it all about?

Basically, it’s all because of a new Instagram trend that sees people share what their name ‘means’ according to the Urban Dictionary. The trend was sparked by @bymayuuu who asked everyone to “Show us ur name in Urban Dictionary 🤥⭐️” using the new tool “Add Yours” that was rolled out earlier this month which allows people use the sticker and share their own photo about it to their story.

Popular stickers include “favourite photo from this summer” and sharing a picture of their pet to help plant trees (which quickly exploded online and forced the creators of the challenge to delete it after 10 minutes).

If you’re curious to know what Urban Dictionary has as the “meaning” for your name, participating in the challenge is pretty easy.

  • Go on the Urban Dictionary website,
  • In the search bar, type your first name,
  • When you press enter click on the top result and voila - your Urban Dictionary name definition,
  • If you’re happy with their meaning then you can post it to your Instagram using the “Add Yours” button.

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Considering most of the meanings are pretty complimentary, it’s no surprise people are sharing them to the Instagram stories, (though there’s a few rude ones here and there) but whichever one you get it’s just a bit of fun.

Urban Dictionary began trending on Twitter too due to people discussing the challenge, whether they liked it or not.

Though not everyone was as keen to participate in the trend, as many took to Twitter questioning what the point is in taking part in the challenge.

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