Sometimes you've got to grab your love life by the horns and just take the plunge, no matter how shy or nervous you are around the person you like.
That's what Kelli Amirah did when she was heading out on Saturday night.
After arranging for a car to take her and her friends to a party, Kelli noticed that the Uber drivers voice was "fine af".
After getting in the car she could confirm that he is most definitely easy on the eye.
Kelli and her friend then start texting in the back of the car. Come on, we've all done it.
But what do you do in that situation? It's sort of impossible to say anything without sounding crazy or affecting that crucial Uber passenger star rating.
But Kelli thinks fast on her feet. She 'accidently on-purpose' left her phone charger behind.
Playing it cool, she waits a good half an hour before calling Mr Uber back to retrive her phone charger.
But it's not happening...
Realisation sets in that she genuinely needs that phone charger!
Fast forward a few days, Kelli is studying for a test and finally the Uber driver makes contact.
It goes without saying that this was welcome news.
So after studying like hell, taking a massive test and then sleeping through three alams, Kelli finally gets to the point where she can get that charger back and, hopefully, get a date.
It's all or nothing.
And the pair lived happilly ever after... Is what we would have liked to have reported.
Turns out, the Uber driver was in fact married.
But what happened next?!
After she got that text Kelli told indy100 that she replied: "Well thanks for being honest..." The Uber driver messaged back: "You're welcome." And then she never messaged again.
"No point in dealing with a married man," she explained.
Kelli told indy100:
A lot of my friends have always enjoyed my stories because I often unintentionally find myself in messy situations that translate into great stories - so for people that know me outside of Twitter, this is nothing new.
She went on to say:
Even though the results weren't that great, this whole story was big for me, because it was one of the first times I've actually stepped out of my comfort zone and put myself out there, and I'm proud that I did it. And while it hasn't completely put me off taking the initiative when it comes to guys, I'm definitely taking a little break from it. I can only be rejected so many times in a short time span.
You said it Kelli.
More: The internet is in love with a Twitter story about sex, drugs and strippers