
Twitter will no longer crop images and it’s ruined the ‘open for a surprise’ meme for everyone

<p>Twitter has changed its image dimesons and now means the “open for a surprise” memes are ruined.</p>

Twitter has changed its image dimesons and now means the “open for a surprise” memes are ruined.

Getty Images

We all know the struggle of posting a photo on Twitter, only for it to be harshly cropped. But alas, Twitter is finally fixing the problem by showing bigger images.

Sadly, the change will also see the end of the “open for a surprisememes which have been immensely popular on the app (a moment of silence please).

Now, image previews will now be able to show much more of the image, giving us a better idea of what we’re looking at.

The new feature will also end any embarrassing situations where the cropping algorithm picks the absolute wrong thing to focus on - sometimes with apparent racial bias.

Back in March, the social media company announced it would be testing the improvement on iOS and Android and the improvements will now apply to all users.

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The company’s profile tweeted: “no bird too tall, no crop too short introducing bigger and better images on iOS and Android, now available to everyone.”

People responded to the news by trying out the new feature for themselves, some were happy with the changes.

Some wanted to test how tall they could go without getting their images cropped.

Though not everyone was happy with the change, others mourned the loss of the “open for a surprise” meme.

As a result, older tweets of the meme no longer work on mobile devices as tweets from users @ademYz_, @catshouldnt, and @TheFunSizeGuy demonstrate.

Old memes not longer work, for example in this tweet the cat is now longer hidden so is not a surprise.

You can now see the cats with the new settings so they are not a surprise for users.

The new Twitter settings mean that users can now see the hamster, whereas it would’ve been hidden before and only revealed if you click on the tweet.

But, people are already using their creativity to re-invent the meme using the new dimensions.

It seems that if you have a long and narrow image, then Twitter can hide the image to recreate the meme but it’s success varies depending on whether you view them on a mobile or a desktop computer.

This first one works on both desktop and mobile.

While the next two tweets only able to recreate the meme on mobile devices.

Hopefully, this isn’t the last we see of these hilarious memes.

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