Dating app encounters should be all about cringe-worthy pick-up lines and (often excruciating) small talk but some conversations can quickly escalate, as one Reddit user has proven.
Posting on the r/Tinder channel, the Redditor shared a series of screenshots of a text exchange, allegedly between a male friend and a woman he’d matched with on the popular site, and asked: “Who’s in the wrong here?”
The conversation begins innocently enough, with the man asking: “What do you do for fun? Do you like beach walks, going for drives, running naked through the library?”
The woman then replies: “Yeah I guess when we’ve been seeing each other for a while we can go to the beach and hikes when the weather is nice but not at the beginning. Initially I like nice restaurants and spots away. I’m into guys that make an effort and enjoy good food and cocktails if they want to date me.”
She continues: “I don’t believe chivalry is dead. I’m not getting dressed up for free. Don’t enjoy my time being wasted. Is that something you’re keen for? You said you run a business and I don’t think finances are an issue.”
The man was clearly unimpressed by her demands, replying brutally: “No, finances aren’t an issue but if I wanted to meet an escort I’d look on an escorts page, I wouldn’t be looking for middle aged women on a dating app. Sorry but I’m looking for a real connection. Good luck though.”
She was even less impressed by his response, firing back with a blistering tirade in which she branded him a “pathetic piece of s***”.
Her lengthy message read: “Excuse me?? You’re sick in the head. How dare you talk to a woman like that! You are a disgusting excuse for a man that doesn’t understand how to treat a woman on a first date. You should be ashamed of yourself and your behaviour because I’m no escort.
“For a guy that is looking for a quality girl that writes such rubbish – you clearly lack any basic manners and you’re clearly a pathetic piece of s***. It says a lot more about you than about me because you don’t know anything about me, but because I have standards and don’t let losers like you waste my time you think someone as beautiful and successful as me would go on a hike somewhere in a random park with a creep like you?? Lol. You think I’m stupod?? Who knows what you would do to me, you psycho.”
She continued: “Get a life you ugly freak and go to hell because you’re a stingy, cheap loser, that’s why you want to go for a drive or walk. Get off Tinder because one day you will cross the wrong person who will sort you out. So if I were you I’d watch my mouth.”
How do you respond to something like that? Well, he tried – this time writing: “Wow, you’re a rude person. I don’t know why you’re so mad. You basically just said you’re a hooker. ‘I’m not getting dressed up for free,’ ‘I don’t think finances are an issue’? Decent women don’t say stuff like that, gold diggers and escorts do.
“I’m sure you get this reaction a lot, that should tell you something. I pick up the tab when I take a girl out but I don’t pay for people’s company or sex, sorry. I’m not judging or anything but you’re just not the type of person I’d date. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
But that was not the end of it as far as she was concerned, and her next rebuke was even more fiery than the first.
Branding him a “delusional scumbag” she suggested he was “arguing with a woman because [he] can’t afford to take her out.”
She then accused him of having “no idea what a gentleman is”, saying: “Don’t sit here and accuse me that I was asking for too much, you jerk.”
“My time is precious and when I dress in my designer dresses I expect to go out in PUBLIC with a real man, not a tight a** that calls me an escort because he’s too cheap to go out for dinner,” she added.
Continuing her rant, she fumed that he was “vindictive enough to put a woman down because she expects something from you,” adding: “I’ve never been told that dinner means I’m a gold digger, you are definitely a first.”
Her monologue then took a more sinister turn when, addressing him by name, she said: “I have your photos now and for being a lowlife scumbag that doesn’t know how to speak to me, my older brothers and cousins said they would like to have a word with you for calling me an escort and hooker.
“When they find you [you] will learn a lesson far greater than uni. Something you will remember for the rest of your life. Good luck! See you soon.”
Amazingly, he still responded. This time doubling down on his “gold digger/escort” accusations saying his friends agreed it was a “fair assumption” to make from her messages.
But, he clarified, he would not be “seeing her soon,” reiterating: “I don’t date people like you. I prefer genuine people who aren’t just after my money.”
The Reddit epic racked up more than 8,200 upvotes and 1,200 comments in just nine hours as users flocked to offer their take on the heated dialogue.
One joked: “They are made for each other, but as a sitcom couple.”
Meanwhile, others shared their concern at her threats to send over her “older brother and cousins” to have a word with the man.
“She clearly threatened him, I think you can even go to the police with this,” one Redditor wrote.
“100% report her. And I’m not a lawyer but if anything happens, that’s premeditated/aggravated assault, isn’t it?” commented another.

Others focussed more on the initial date discussion, with one arguing there’s “nothing wrong” with wanting an “old fashioned” meet-up like dinner at a nice restaurant, but stressed that because she “brought up finances in the first few messages” that was definitely a “gold digger alert.”
Another pointed out: “He didn’t ask what she wanted to do on a date. He asked what she does for fun. That’s what makes it doubly gross, she goes straight to listing her acceptable date ideas, which makes me assume what she does for fun is date guys.”
A third agreed, saying: “[It] seemed like she kind of missed the part about running naked in public? It was a light hearted way to see how she’d react to his type of humour (I’m assuming) and, like others said, just trying to find her interests in a silly open ended way. By her reaction I think he did his due diligence with a simple question by weeding out someone he’d rather not deal with.”
However, some users defended the woman’s admission that she would rather go for a meal than out on a walk for a first date.
One wrote: “As a woman, I feel way safer getting drinks in public than going on a hike or even a walk on the beach unless it was a really crowded beach. It’s also not very easy to ditch a hike/walk depending how far you go and how far you are from your car when you decide you need to ditch.”
Another agreed, but added: “If she had said she doesn’t like hikes or walks because she’s alone with someone new, and thus prefers a drink, it would be fine. But f*** she’s nuts.”
Let’s just hope she didn’t send round her burly relatives to “teach [him] a lesson” after all…