
Timothée Chalamet fan calls Kylie Jenner a "stalker" after the pair are seen kissing

Timothée Chalamet fan calls Kylie Jenner a "stalker" after the pair are seen kissing
Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner filmed in public together for first time
Chris Gardner, The Hollywood Reporter

The internet has gone crazy after a video of actor Timothée Chalamet and reality star Kylie Jenner were spotted kissing at a Beyoncé concert. The video came after months of speculation that the two had become an item.

But some are seemingly more upset than others about the pair, namely one Chalamet fan account known as Club Chalamet, run by a woman called Simone who describes herself as a "GenX LA based super fan account".

On her Instagram account she called Jenner a "stalker" and says "it looks like they're meeting for the first time since she's been stalking his place. What else is he supposed to do, spit in her face? He was probably there with friends and mama kajenner waved her staff and commanded this meeting be filmed."

Simone continued to upload on her social media, sharing her distress at the pair being spotted together. Later that night she posted a photo of text that read "If you're feeling distressed by the video, it's ok. But please take care of yourself. Step away from social media for a couple of days."

However, later in the night footage of the pair kissing went viral, and, in Simone's words, "it does get worse."

"Based on all the DMs I have received, fans are absolutely devastated and disappointed. I don't know what more I can say to alleviate your pain and heartache, I truly sympathise with you. Please take some time away from social media to tend to your mental health because that's very important to me," she wrote.

"For those of us who know better," she continued, "stay strong. the relentless pursuit of Timothée Chalamet had an end game and what better way to claim her prize than at a Beyoncé concert where half of Hollywood and the media would be there, with a special focus on the kajenners and their guests in the VIP stand."

In another post she wrote: "The past 24 hours have been stressful for must of us, especially those of us who support Timothée."

Over on Twitter/X, she bizarrely claimed that his smoking at the event was a "clear sign of his level of stress and discomfort."

Of course Simone's strange accusations and seeming-obsession with Chalamet drew a lot of criticism online.

Many called her "delusional" and "insane":

It also led many to comment on parasocial relationships and its impacts.PsychCentraldefines parasocial relationships as "a one-sided attachment with a fictional character or media personality." And with the rise of social media where it is easier for fans to interact with celebrities they love, the risk of forming a parasocial attachment is higher, as can be seen by Simone's reaction.

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