
Avril Lavigne’s first TikTok was a collab with Tony Hawk and it’s 2002 all over again

You can’t spell “viral” without Avril, and considering Avril Lavigne’s delightful TikTok debut, it’s not hard to see why.

Avril’s inaugural TikTok video pays homage to fan-favorite Sk8er Boi, released in 2002 — which changed our, and many other’s, lives for eternity. (RIP our sixth grade dog collar and neck tie.)

But for the 2021 version, Avril teamed up with an actual “skater boy” to properly revamp (or shall I say re-ramp?) her classic anew: Co-starring alongside the pop-star - who even brought back her emblematic necktie and baggy black shorts for the video - is none other than pro-skater legend Tony Hawk, also sporting the neck-tie.

Avril also took to Twitter to promote her introduction to the video platform, sharing behind-the-scenes footage of the co-stars posing on a lime-green skate ramp.

Fans are, appropriately, thrilled — both with the early 2000’s nostalgia crossover and Avril’s remarkable ability to so accurately recreate her revolutionary aesthetic an entire two decades later.

Others are wondering why Avril doesn’t seem to age, while some are requesting — and/or speculating in regards to — her skincare routine.

The NZXT gaming company then quite rudely called millennials for “freaking out.”

Alas, we suppose it’s true. Many millennials will be happy with the Sk8er Boi renaissance, especially considering the recent uptick in Sk8er Boi aesthetic-adjacent couples this year. See: Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian and/or Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox.

Here’s to multiple alternate happy endings to and cameos in Sk8er Boi — and other Avril songs — in 2021 and beyond. The world could surely use them. More content, please, Avril, it’s not that complicated!

Click here to watch the TikTok in full.

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