Dina Rickman
Jul 22, 2015

Someone is finally using the internet's obsession with Disney princesses for good.
Saint Hoax is a Middle Eastern satirist and cultural commentator whose most recent project involves doctoring images of Snow White, Ariel and Aurora to include period stains.
After uploading the images to Instagram, he explained the project was inspired by a female friend who had realised she had leaked and had a period stain on her skirt while on a date.
Her date didn’t handle the situation well; she could tell he was uncomfortable. As the night came to an end, he said he would call her the next day…
After not hearing back from him, she was convinced he was revolted by the accident. She sent him an apologetic text message. He replied, 'how can I date a girl who doesn’t know what a Tampon is?'
These blooded Disney princesses are my reaction to her story. There’s a lot of ignorance and shame surrounding this subject. The fact that she felt the need to apologise for something so natural is more appalling than a period stain.
Speaking to, he added:
There isn't much awareness around this subject. It's considered a 'taboo' when it really shouldn't be. I want to provoke people with my Disney princesses to push them to discuss this more openly.
Girls get their period once a month. Sometimes it gets messy. Get over it.
More: Man paints his girlfriend into classic Disney scenes for Valentine's surprise
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