Bethan McKernan
May 14, 2015

Being a flight attendant sure doesn’t convey the same glamour it used to.
Or it doesn't according to flight attendants, who have taken to a Quora thread to vent about the oddest - and most disgusting - things passengers had thrown at them over the years. We have collected some of the best responses are below:
1. One man asked for a sanitary towel just because it was free
This is why we can't have nice things on planes.
No, sir. The reason you can’t do that is definitely only because the seat belt sign is on.
Aren't capable people supposed to sit in the emergency exit row?
Just one second, Madam, I just need to grab the oil and dim the cabin lights.
First class parenting right there.
And last but not least, this guy gets our nomination for the Darwin Awards:
Even if your next flight leaves at 4am and is full of crying babies, thank your lucky stars you weren't flying with this lot.
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