Dina Rickman
Feb 28, 2015
Shoppers have been giving their verdicts on the dress that divided the world on Amazon. The reviews are really quite something - with many still divided over whether it is white and gold or blue and black.
Here is a selection of some of the best:
The good: Works equally well as formal or business casual attire. The bad: Carves a crooked path through perceptual reality and leaves behind it a wake of confusion and existential crises. Also unforgiving on the hips.
- DanielWallace
I bought this dress for my wife, and she looks beautiful in it. Funny thing, the other day I saw another woman who looked exactly like my wife, kissing another man. But it couldn't have been my wife because that woman was wearing a white-and-gold dress, and the dress I bought my wife is a blue-and-black one. Whew, I was almost worried for a moment there, haha.
- DexterDeeDee
Perfect, however, amazon lists the colo[u]r as 'royal blue' when it's clearly white(and gold). Just a heads up.
- Anongirl
This dress is why I have trust issues.
- Delta Lauderdale
How many chameleons were killed to make this dress?
- Jadiecook
One thing that is pretty cool about this dress is that you quickly see how many of your friends are colo[u]r blind.
- Phoebe
I bought this dress for a party, but I can't tell what colo[u]r it is. Everyone seems to be conflicted. Can anyone help?
- Brian Podczervinski
This dress is a glitch in the matrix.
- Collin Phillips
Smells of a marketing stunt
- I Darwish
More: This is why no one can agree on the colour of that dress
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