
The government's Brexit department finally joined Twitter and immediately got trolled

The government's Brexit department finally joined Twitter and immediately got trolled

Ten whole weeks after the referendum result, the British government has finally kicked into action: holding a "brainstorming" session at Chequers, releasing a vague statement that "Brexit means Brexit" and, um, setting up a new Twitter account.

It may have taken more than two months for the Exiting the EU department, headed by David Davis, to join Twitter, but it took just minutes for people to start trolling it...

People joked about its lack of official offices

And what its true purpose was

There were gifs

Photos from the continent

...and swear words

Harambe was mentioned, obviously

Allusions to campaign slogans were made

But it wasn't all whiney Remainers... a few Brexiters got involved too

Indeed, people sympathised

It's going to be a long few months

More: Nigel Farage went into far too much detail about the lack of clothing he wears to bed

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