
The 10 most offensive things you can do to a British person

The 10 most offensive things you can do to a British person
Picture: dbphotographer/istock

British people are peculiar human beings, with peculiar habits.

A new hashtag, #AwfullyBritishOffences is being used by Britons everywhere to educate the world about our awkward quirks.

To that effect, here are some ways you can really get under a British person's skin:

1. Not following phone etiquette

2. Not following passive aggressive cues

3. Getting the Meal Deal wrong

4. Reading tabloid newspapers. Or not reading them

5. Eye contact on public transport. Why do it?

6. Using 'UK' and 'England' as though it's the same thing. It's not.

7. Not apologising for something that isn’t your fault

8. Not engaging in the 'No, you first' dance

9. Trying to pay your bus fare with a £20 note


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