
Ted Cruz turned up to the Astros World Series parade and it didn't go well

Ted Cruz turned up to the Astros World Series parade and it didn't go well
Senator Ted Cruz gets booed during Houston Astros Parade of Champions

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is once again facing boos from the crowd.

Standing on the back of a flatbed truck, Cruz waved to the sea of his constituents as he appeared in the Houston Astros World Series parade.

The downtown Houston celebration occurred on Monday, 7 November to honor the baseball team which recently won the World Series.

But instead of cheers and waves, Cruz was met with boos and thumbs-downs.

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Videos of Cruz's cold welcome circulated on Twitter where people advocated for Democratic candidates in Tuesday's midterm elections.

"Ted Cruz gets booed by hundreds of Houston Astros [fans] who didn't forget he literally left them in the cold during the winter storm in 2021. #F***TedCruz #VoteForBeto," a Twitter user wrote.

Another video depicts the aggressive boos the Senator received as he passed City Hall.

"Ted Cruz pulled off what I thought was impossible- getting booed at a championship parade," Chancellor Johnson tweeted.

Cruz also faced crowd boos while visiting New York in late October.

The Texas Senator was heckled while attending a game between the Astros and New York Yankees and while making an appearance on The View.

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