A fifth-grade fatherless boy has written a note to his teacher describing him as "awesome" and "like a dad" and it's breaking hearts on the internet.
The boy, called Markus, penned the letter and left it on his desk for his tutor, callled 'Mr. J' (@mainey_maine) in the letter, to discover.
The letter reads:
To Mr. J
Thank you for being an awesome teacher and for being amazing! This school year was so fun and I enjoyed it because if you.
I wish more teachers was like you. I will never forget you.
I look at you like my dad. I never met my real dad but it okay because you treat me like I’m your son.
You make me so happy. Always feeding me when I am hungry and hug me when I am sad.
I will never forget you Mr. J. I love you and I will never forget about you!
Love Markus
Mr J. revealed he teaches 5th grade...
... And that he was brought to tears by the letter...
... And by the reaction online:
Which was one giant, tearful, supportive lovefest:
The tweet has been liked by over 440,000 accounts and retweeted by over 140,000.
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