
The South Korean expert was back on live television and people could only talk about one thing

It was one of the all-time great moments in live television history but it appears that lightning was unwilling to strike twice.

In 2017, Professor Robert E Kelly became a viral sensation after his children burst into his office while he was delivering a very important report on South Korea.

It was easily one of the most iconic moments of the last decade and people haven't been quick to forget it and have been desperately hoping for a sequel.

When people learned that Kelly was on Sky News to talk about the deadly outbreak of the coronavirus in South Korea, they were hoping to see if his kids would make another appearance on our screens.

Sadly it wasn't meant to be but it's pretty much all anyone could talk about, despite the fact that he was sharing some very crucial information on the virus, which has already had more than 900 confirmed cases in South Korea.

There is a strong chance that Kelly has taken precautions to stop anything hilarious ever happening again in his office.

Still, let's spare a thought for Kelly, he's worked so hard and this is all he is remembered for.

HT The Poke

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