Paul Gascoigne has hit back at Snoop Dogg after he shared a malicious post about the ex-England footballer on Instagram yesterday.
In an unprovoked attack, the 47-year-old rapper posted a picture of Gascoigne to Instagram on Thursday, in which he compared images of himself and images of the footballer when they were young, alongside images of them both aged 47, in order to highlight the perceived negative effects of alcohol in comparison to those inflicted by smoking cannabis.
Gascgoine being Gascgoine, he was never going to stay quiet in the face of such a dig, so in response, he took to social media and delivered a stone cold retort.
In a tweet, he wrote:
Morning @SnoopDogg get your lazy a*** out of bed it’s walkies time woof woof you ugly t*** LOVE GAZZA xxx
It goes without saying that other social media users loved the reply.
Well, 2019, we think you've peaked...
HT Sport Bible
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