Jessica Brown
Jun 29, 2017

Morgan King, a student in Knoxville, Tennessee, told her professor she had to miss a class because she couldn’t find any childcare for her daughter...
Her professor’s response has since gone viral.
Sally Hunter replied to King, who works full time as well as being a single mother to three-month-old Korbyn, telling her to bring her baby into class next time that happens.
She wrote:
In the future, if you are having trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, please feel free to just BRING HER with you to class. I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes.
I work for the Department of CHILD and FAMILY studies - so how terrible would it be, if I was unwilling to have a child visit our class?
People's responses to the Professor Hunter's gesture and understand have been overwhelmingly positive, with many saying it's exactly what's needed to help mothers in the classroom.
Even the university's chancellor tweeted about it:
HT Bored Panda
More: This mother re-wrote her daughter's sexist homework - instantly improved it
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