Sean Spicer’s past irritation with Dippin Dots ice cream has been unearthed, causing the ice cream company to write an open letter asking Donald Trump’s Press Secretary for clemency.
The internet is a wonderful place.
Following the Dippin Dots dispute, a website called senddippindots was set up, encouraging people to send ice cream to Spicer.
Picture: senddippindots/screengrab
You can buy Spicer $6 (just under £5) worth of the sugar dessert.
The website was created by web developers Andrew Cafourek and Nick Trusty, who run A022 Digital.
Fifty orders have already been put in, since the website went live and, according to the New York Post, the Brooklyn-based duo intend to deliver.
Trusty said:
It’s a joke but it’s not a joke. We’re not just taking people’s money and going to get some beers. We’re going to spend it on a whole bunch of Dippin’ Dots to send to Sean.
And is this a political protest?
Well, it definitely serves as a political statement, and Trusty references the controversy on the inaugural crowd numbers, and says they’re giving him a “dose of what they’ve [the Trump administration] been giving to us”.
More: Sean Spicer's weird ice cream rants have been unearthed on Twitter
More: Sean Spicer's relaxed relationship with the truth has become a meme