Names, we all need them, we all use them and for better or worse, we all have them.
Sure, you might feel that your moniker might be lacking in some A-grade star power (you don’t meet too many Clint Powers or Susie Steels out there) but largely, we can all probably agree that things tend to work out just fine.
Spare a thought then for the people who have grown up with names that automatically evoke a chuckle, or even worse, are found offensive.
Yep, that’s right, we’re talking about the Dickmans, the Cummings and Cockburns of the world. And it turns out that having such a name isn’t just a talking point in the pub, it’s also apparently a nightmare when you’re trying to sign up for things as Twitter user Natalie Weiner recently found out.
As with all these things, it started with a single Tweet.
And thus, the floodgates were opened
And then came the Cummings...
And it turns out Facebook is the most strict of them all, even normal names get banned.
HT Someecards
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