After an elderly man was targeted by a nasty note, his neighbours supported him in the best way possible.
Mr Frank, from Alabama, received a mean note in his mailbox.
The note starts:
We are a group of your neighbours who are concerned about the appearance of some homes on the street (and property values).
The letter asked Mr Frank to take down his Christmas lights, clean his yard and consider moving out so his house could be torn down and replaced with a house that was...
more fitting with the other homes on the street
...according to broadcaster WIAT CBS 42.
His neighbours say Mr Frank had lived there for years – and he wasn’t the only resident to receive a nasty note.
They decided to come together and put on their Christmas lights, complete with giant inflatable snowman, in an act of solidarity with Mr Frank.
One neighbour, Lauri Soong, told the broadcaster:
I am proud of our neighborhood.
I think that’s fabulous, I think it’s a good way to come together, and we can all do what we want to do in our home and in our yard.
That viral coverage and giant snowman should help with the letter writers' beloved property prices.
More: Woman gets evicted from house. Neighbour buys it back and hands her the keys