
10 things men should never say, according to women


As a spciees we've been on this planet a pretty long time. We've invented increidble technologies, explored what was once thought unexplorable, and researched the inner workings of the human brain - despite this however, men are still woefully ignorant when it comes to what to say to women.

Since it's not something we're taught in school, college or even in one of those boring office training sessions, here are some real life examples of what not to say, to a woman, or anyone else, for that matter!

1. Insinuate someone's unattractive

2. Be creepy

3. Sell yourself short

4. Share your inner monologue too much

5. Think women don't detect negging

6. Write bad poetry

7. Go too creative with the "compliments"

8. Brag

9. Be sexist

10. Let your ego lead

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