
Quiz: Were these April Fools' jokes or not?

German Embassy
German Embassy

Today is 1 April, otherwise known as April Fool's Day, which means you have probably seen some hilarious news outlets putting out some pretty unbelievable stories.

Thankfully, this is the internet and most people realise that it shouldn't be taken very seriously.

So to test your 32-March-o-meter, we've devised a little quiz, to see if you've been paying attention to the wacky news lines of the day, and if you can tell which stories are false or not:

More:The definitive list of the absolute worst April Fools' Day pranks

More:Kiss FM just killed April Fools' Day dead: If there's a worse April Fool than this, we don't want to see it

More:This April Fools' Day joke backfired - but there's more to the story

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