Mimi Launder
Aug 06, 2017

left: Alexey Nikolsky/AFP/Getty Images, right: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images
If President Donald Trump is still serious about his unofficial flagship policy to become best buds with Putin, he might want to rethink his poses in front of the camera.
Other people's holiday albums can be a chore to look through - but their poses don't usually involve bare-chested, knee-deep fishing and sunbathing in Siberia.
Thankfully, Vladmir Putin either forgot to pack any shirts for his get-away or simply could not restrain his unrivalled manliness.
But Trump apparently didn't get the memo, managing to keep his macho prowess very much in check.
Whilst Putin spear-fishes in a camouflage wet suit, Trump turns the steering wheel of a small golf cart with his huge muscles.
Picture : (ALEXEY NIKOLSKY/AFP/Getty Images )
Trump took a different approach to his 'not vacation'.
This pattern is not new...
Picture: (ALEXEY NIKOLSKY/AFP/Getty Images )
Even when Trump gets sporty, he somehow doesn't match Putin's muscular marvel.
Perhaps not the reaction Trump wanted.
Surely a 'beautiful' chocolate cake, which Trump shared in April with President Xi whilst talking about the Syria airstrikes, will shut the internet up.
Meanwhile, Putin has no chocolate cake weighing him down.
Spot the difference?
Perhaps he could get some better shots if he spent a little less time golfing and a lot more in the White House.
More: Donald Trump's tweet about Putin was just destroyed by the US attorney he fired
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