
PornHub launches video to raise awareness about plastic pollution

In an attempt to raise money in order to remove plastic from the world's oceans, adult website Pornhub has released a new film that's been shot on a litter-filled beach.

Every time that the film, creatively called 'The Dirtiest Porn Ever', is streamed, Pornhub will donate to Oceans polymers, non-profit planning to launch a ship in order to collect plastic from the sea, and then reprocess it, reports Dezeen.

The film, which stars Leolulu - one of the site's most popular amateur couples, is set on one of the world's dirtiest beaches, and it sees the couple have sex with one another, and it has a particularly 'trashy' twist.

As the time goes on in the film, the couple's intimate areas, which were originally obscured by mounds of trash, become revealed in 'all their naked glory', reports LadBible.

The concept is supposed to reflect the way that rubbish can ruin an otherwise beautiful scene.

In a statement, the vice president of Pornhub Corey Price, said:

As of today, 12.7 million tons of plastic can be found within the depths of our oceans. What's perhaps even more shocking, is that scientists predict that there will be more plastic than fish within our oceans in only 30 years.

Ocean pollution has grown to become of the most significant global issues of our lifetime, and it's only getting worse.

That's why it's imperative that we use our platform to raise awareness and inspire change - not just for the time being but for generations to come. We're dirty here at Pornhub, but that doesn't mean our beaches need to be.

She added:

The initiative and support from Pornhub is inspired and appreciated. Whilst I'm sure for some it may not initially appear like the most obvious match for our project, we are thrilled that Pornhub has engaged with us and displayed a commitment to utilising their voice and reach for positive action.

We are all part of the problem and must work together to find solutions. This is a brand with significant global reach spanning all demographics, so it is a very effective platform to raise awareness and support for the crisis we face in our oceans today. It would be great to see more companies of this size and stature taking the same responsibility with the audience they engage.

Alongside the video, the site has created a website that offers advice to its users on how to avoid single-use plastics ending up in the ocean, by suggesting three steps: buy as little plastic as possible; recycle all single-use plastics; and clean up after yourself if you're outdoors, reports Dezeen.

In a statement about its work with Pornhub, Heather Wigglesworth, executive director of Ocean Polymers said:

We are all part of the problem and must work together to find solutions. 

This is a brand with significant global reach spanning all demographics, so it is a very effective platform to raise awareness and support for the crisis we face in our oceans today.

It would be great to see more companies of this size and stature taking the same responsibility with the audience they engage.

HT Dezeen

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