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Bridie Pearson-Jones
May 29, 2017

Everyone loves cute animal photos especially when they do cute human things.
So it's no surprise that this adorable photo of a polar bear cub shot by Dr. Phillip Marazzi, in Manitoba, Canada was so popular.
However, the internet, being the internet, decided that cute cub waving at the camera wasn't enough, and instead decided to photoshop the baby bear into a lot of inappropriate situations.
Here are some of the results from the r/photoshopbattles subreddit.
Some editors sent the poor cub off to war...
...and had people pretending to shoot at him.
Some got him to fly around...
...and go boxing.
Others had him more chilled out, and took him to the bar.
He starred in a coca-cola advert!
As he is Canadian, it makes sense that he waved to Trudeau.
He also did a bit of lawn-mowing.
And hung out with some famous friends.
Chilled out and played some yo-yo.
Some photoshoppers used the opportunity to make a point about climate change.
But some imagined him in weirder scenarios, like hanging out with the Royal Family.
indy100 has approached Marazzi for comment.
More: Donald Trump’s bathrobe triggered the worst Photoshop battle on the internet