
34-year-old vows to play piano publicly until his ex takes him back. Is labelled 'creepy' on social media

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'Nice guys' are still a thing, regrettably.

On Saturday Luke Howard, a musician in Bristol, vowed to play piano non-stop until his so called 'lost love' took him back.

Context: This man is 34 years old and he is not Ryan Gosling.

The stunt, featuring continuous music bothering people on College Green, is due to the ending of a relationship that only lasted four months.

Photos in the Bristol Postshow that Howard was accompanied by a sign citing Instagram and Facebook pages set up under the names '@ForLove2017' and 'For Love 1953'.

No accounts under those handles show pictures of Howard or can be identified as pages associated with him.

Speaking to the Bristol Post, Howard said:

It may sound whimsical but she completely changed my life.

My entire world shifted.

Sounds pretty whimsical, as does his decision to refer to his ex as 'Rapunzel'.

He explained to the Bristol Post why 'Rapunzel' had left him:

If it was anything bad why we split up then I wouldn’t be doing this, but it’s the only thing I can think of doing, it just seems life just got in our way.

Social media users, the grand inquisitors of today, nonetheless passed verdict on Howard, asking if his piano playing was not a bit 'creepy'.

Sian Ushka, the founder of the Bristol Women's Literature Festival joined the discussion of Howard's piano playing.

On Monday, one Twitter user shared a photo of Bristol College Green, with no sign of Howard.

HT Bristol Post

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