
People have been leaving reviews for 10 Downing Street on Google

Picture: Getty
Picture: Getty

He may be safe in the parliamentary seat of Witney and he may be serving a second term as prime minister, but it's fair to say there's a large section of the British electorate with whom David Cameron is not popular.

Over on Google, we noticed that people have been leaving reviews for for the prime minister's residence - 10 Downing Street - as if it was a restaurant or hotel. It currently enjoys a rating of 3.4 out of 5.

Here are 10 of the best:

1. Lovely stuff...

2. Some are slightly more serious than others...

3. "Self-declared 'supreme leader' of the Muppet clan"

Not sure that's ever been "self-declared", really.

4. Time the PM stepped up his dusting game

5. Some are succinct

6. Some are quite SHOUTY

This may well be the most futile protest on the internet.

7. Obviously there's a pig joke in there

8. Poor Mark

9. :(

10. Ok, there were at least two pig jokes in there

What a time to be a prime minister.

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