Josh Barrie
Jun 18, 2016

British astronaut Tim Peake arrived safely back on Earth on Saturday after spending six months in space.
'Best ride I've been on, ever', he said of his return.
Peake's missed out on a lot during his time away. Most of it has been bad.
One of the country's most tentative - and saddening - matters of concern is Brexit.
Ukip leader Nigel Farage is one of the bastions of the Leave cause, churning out posters which some say resemble "outright Nazi propaganda".
As a result of Farage's rhetoric, many are joking about the politician's immigration fears as regards Peake's return home to Britain. You know, the astronaut is coming into the country from quite far away.
As Peake landed, people on social media were re-sharing a letter reportedly written by a teacher during Farage's time at the prestigious Dulwich College school in 1981 - in it, English teacher Chloe Deaken calls him a "racist" with "neo-fascist views".
Have we got any room left for Peake though?
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