
Boston parking spot listed for sale at $70k more than average American home

The average price of a home in the United States as $303,288, and as of five days ago, a parking spot on is listed for $70,000 more than that.

Yes, a parking spot in Boston, Massachusetts could be yours for just $373,000 — more than 10 times the amount per square foot of the average American house.

The spot — which is, at the very least, heated — is located in Boston’s South End neighbourhood, near the city’s Prudential Center. It sits beneath luxury condominiums at 201 West Brookline, a church originally built in 1900 that has since been converted into modern, high-end apartments — with some high-end vehicle storage to boot. Then again, a three bedroom unit in the posh building sold for $6.3 million just this month, so a parking spot at this price tag is small potatoes for its fellow garage inhabitants.

But still, even with Boston being one of the more upscale cities in the United States, especially in terms of real estate — and this building being one of the highest valued in the area — this spot is egregiously extravagant. Zillow lists the average Boston home at $697,672, a number that has increased 7.2 percent in the past year. Therefore, this car post costs half a home — sans rooms, a roof, or plumbing.

The most shocking fact of all, however, is that according to one Boston resident, this seemingly outrageous expense is “normal.”

“That’s honestly where a big chunk of the value in my home comes from,” they told indy100, in regards to their own parking spot in the city.

Perhaps it’s time to start investing in parking spots?

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