
Parents are translating text speak and it's hilarious


The English language is constantly evolving - processing the old and the new, trying to define and redefine itself.

Younger generations are the arbiters of colloquial expression and given that almost everyone text messages now, it might be difficult for older generations to keep up.

There are a few key acronyms that have made it into our texting lexicon. Including:

WTF – What the f**k

GTFO – Get the f**k out

ROTFL – Rolling on the floor laughing

JFC – Jesus f***ing Christ

LMAO – Laughing my a**e off

STFU – Shut the f**k up

BRB- Be right back

WYD – What you doing

Parents on Twitter have decided to give these well-worn expressions some interesting new twists:

‘Is your child texting about…’

1. Classical Greek literature?

2. Rachel Ray’s 30 Minute Meals?

3. Randy Jackson?

4. DIY music?

5. Transformers?

6. Lord of the Rings?

7. Intersectional feminism?

8. Olive Garden?

Picture:Picture: Giphy 

More: 25 English words that mean very different things in Britain and America

More: Here are 30 of the most bizarre phrases in the English language and what they actually mean

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