Fatma Khaled
Jun 02, 2021

YouTube/Sophie Smith
A video of a two-year-old using very colourful language to describe a goat outside her house has gone viral.
When her mother Sophie Smith walked into the room, Ivy pointed at the goat and said “a f****** goat outside.”
Moments later Smith used her phone to film her daughter, who continued to swear as she pointed at the goat.
Her mother responded saying “it’s just a goat” but Ivy insisted that “no, it’s a f****** goat.”
The toddler reportedly picked up the language from her mother, Stuff reported. Awkward!
Smith then sent the video to a few people through Snapchat and later posted it later to a local Facebook group to find the owner of the goat.
She was then urged to post the 10-second video on TikTok, YouTube and Facebook where it went viral, attracting over four million views on TikTok as it was simultaneously shared across Twitter and Instagram.
The wide online response to the viral video took Smith by surprise.
“I’ve had a lot of really positive comments from people who have said that it’s just made their day and all they needed was a laugh and that they’re really appreciative that I shared it ... and then I’ve also had quite a few hate comments of people saying really negative things,” she told Stuff.
The New Zealand-based mother admitted in the video that Ivy picked up that word from her minutes before she saw the goat, but said that her daughter is so young “she obviously doesn’t know what it means.”
“If anybody says that they’ve never sworn before ... have a goat come into your property and then tell me otherwise," Smith told Stuff.
The goat entered the garden at some point when Sophie opened the gate for a visitor dropping by.
"Now if anyone else is going to find a goat in their front yard they’re going to use the exact same language that I did. She copied me about three minutes later and I recorded it,” she told Stuff.
Smith said she never saw the goat before in the area in which she lived for seven years. The goat reportedly ran out of the property and found its way back to its owners.
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