Josh Withey
Oct 28, 2017

We live in an age where communication with the media has been well and truly revolutionised. Gone are the days when we wrote harshly worded letters to the editor, who could simply just ignore them - now, all it takes is a couple of button pushes for our thoughts and fears to be shared on the article we read.
If you actually read the article that is.
But with so many sites, outlets and stories - finding the time to share your take on a complicated situation can be tricky. That's where technology comes in.
User ChristineMcM figured out a nifty time-saving technique, but unfortunately it backfired on her somewhat.
Christine was adding her thoughts to a New York Times article titled 'As G.O.P. Bends Toward Trump, Critics Either Give In or Give Up'.
However, it appears she lost her train of thought somewhat.
Here it is in full:
Zero optimism that the Democrats can ever regain hello hi oh you’re there are you outside oh well let me come to the door I’m icing my knee and I’m hard boiling some eggs I’ll turn them off and then will do our meeting yet out that that will be fine I’m Normans out doing some errands and he knows you’re coming so he’ll just go down to the cave I was down in the Cape myself this morning by getting so let me get up because I’m right now sort of trapped in my chair and then I’ll put the ice pack back on when you get here OK thanks bye-bye
If you're wondering what happened, Christine was dictating her comment to her phone's voice recognition software. While discussing her lack of optimism in the Democratic party she was interrupted by someone who engaged her in conversation.
Sure enough, Christine replied to a rather confused message board:
This was a mistake I'll need to report to the NYT. I was composing a message using the autospeak, and a friend arrived early to my house. I had no idea all that drivel was being recorded--there are even errors in the drivel! And then to be a pick, with about 15 emails announcing such, meant that my email went rogue.
Yes, folks, I guess I do sound like Sarah Palin here!
Bassey Etim, one of the New York Times' valiant Community Editors replied:
Hope your knee feels better!
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