
Millennial boss divides internet by venting frustration about Gen Z staff treatment

Millennial boss divides internet by venting frustration about Gen Z staff treatment
Gen Z workers are roasting millennial colleagues for using 'out of pocket' …
New York Post / VideoElephant

A millennial boss has turned to TikTok to vent about the treatment of Gen Z staff.

The viral clip shared by Rachel Lynch (@thirtynotthriving) claimed how she witnessed a Gen Z waitress in tears when visiting a coffee shop.

Rachel placed an order for a sandwich and it soon became clear the young server had "forgotten the order" among others after a 15-minute wait time. When the Gen-Zer told her boss about the mistake, "the door closes" and "he starts yelling at her".

"She’s panicking and starts crying," Rachel told viewers, suggesting the situation could have been dealt with better.

She said the Gen Zer’s manager was "vocal in their outrage" – but not in an "aggressive" way.

"It was loud enough that everyone in the restaurant could hear," she continued.


Battle of gens at work #generations #genz #boomer #millennial #sandwich 😂

The empathetic TikToker suggested that older managers need to understand that Gen Z can be more "soft" and "fragile," sparking a debate in the comments.

"I remember being young and lacking resilience too and crying at work over silly things - I think it just takes time to build confidence! Not necessarily a gen thing," one person wrote.

Another TikToker had their own take on the generational differences, writing: "Gen X wouldn’t get along with Gen Z because they were raised slightly rougher than the boomers. Not to mention, Gen Z gets along great with millennials cos millennials are like the happy medium between the two. I am a millennial that’s raised by boomers and millennials raised by boomers can probably bridge on a different level too."

Meanwhile, others were on the defence with one chiming in: "That’s got nothing to do with boomers, Gen X and Z. That’s just an employee not cutting it.

One brutal comment read: "Gen Z have a sense of unwarranted entitlement and get p***ed when people call them out."

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