Digging through the centre of the Earth is not something that we would recommend as it would probably cause global chaos but its a fun thought.
Just for a second though, imagine where you would end up if you did dig in a straight line down from where you currently are?
The cliched answer would probably be China or Australia but a website can now show you exactly where you would wind up from any location on the Earth.
Antipodesmap.com allows users to type in any address anywhere on the planet and see what lies directly on the other side.
For instance, if you were to start in London you would wind up somewhere off the southeast coast of New Zealand.
Picture: Antipodesmap.com
Picture: Antipodesmap.com
How about if you went from Donald Trump's home in the White House in Washington DC? Well, it turns out that you'd be just off the coast of southwest Australia, not far from Perth.
Picture: Antipodesmap.com
Picture: Antipodesmap.com
What if you went from the other direction and started in the southern hemisphere? For instance, if you dug from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, you would once again end up in the sea but just off the south coast of Japan
Picture: Antipodesmap.com
Picture: Antipodesmap.com
If you are wondering what an antipodes is, it literally means the spot on the other side of the globe from directly where you are. However, there aren't too many major cities that are diametrically opposed to each other. As you've seen many end up in the sea but these are reportedly the cities that have exact antipodes.
Christchurch (New Zealand) — A Coruna (Spain)
Madrid (Spain) — Weber (New Zealand)
Wellington (New Zealand) — Alaejos (Spain)
Hong Kong (China) — La Quiaca (Argentina)
Nelson (New Zealand) — Mogadouro (Portugal)
Whangarei (New Zealand) — Tangier (Morocco)
Tauranga (New Zealand) — Jaen (Spain)
Hamilton (New Zealand) — Cordoba (Spain)
Junin (Argentina) — Lianyungang (China)
Ulan Ude (Russia) — Puerto Natales (Chile)
Masterton (New Zealand) — Segovia (Spain)
Palembang (Indonesia) — Neiva (Colombia)
Wuhai (China) — Valdivia (Chile)
Padang (Indonesia) — Esmeraldas (Ecuador)
Rafaela (Argentina) — Wuhu (China)
Galvez (Argentina) — Nanjing (China)
These are the cities that are very, very close to being antipodes.
​Auckland (New Zealand) — Seville and Malaga (Spain)
Xi'an (China) — Santiago (Chile)
Shanghai (China) — Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Beijing (China) — Bahia Blanca (Argentina)
Taipei (Taiwan) — Asuncion (Paraguay)
Bangkok (Thailand) and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) — Lima (Peru)
Montevideo (Uruguay) — Seoul (South Korea)
Bogota (Colombia) — Jakarta (Indonesia)
Suva (Fiji) — Timbuktu (Mali)
Melbourne and Canberra (Australia) — Azores (Portugal)
Manila (Philippines) — Cuiaba (Brazil)
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) — Cuenca (Ecuador)
Singapore — Quito (Ecuador)
Doha (Qatar) — Pitcairn Island (United Kingdom - Overseas Territory)
Antipodes Island (New Zealand) — Gatteville-le-Phare (France)
Although you might end up somewhere in the middle of the ocean its still a fun little website to play around with for a while. Who knows? Maybe you'll be able to plan your next holiday with it.