Handymen spray-painted over snacks in a woman’s apartment pantry.
A TikTok depicting a poorly renovated pantry has gone viral in what people are calling a prime example of a ‘landlord paint job’.
Last week, TikTok user aubriously214 shared a video of her apartment pantry with the caption: “The handymen at my apartment spray painted over the previous tenants snacks.”
Instead of throwing away the snacks, it appears that the handymen merely spray-painted over them when “renovating” the apartment. The woman lifts up a box of Sun Maid raisins and a Milky Way bar to reveal a comically bare spot underneath where the white paint did not reach.
One user commented, “The landlord paint job but like level 3000.” Another defended the handymen’s work by saying they “got paid to paint, not to clean” and added, “I bet the landlord tried to cut costs and just [hired him] hoping he’d do everything.” Some of the comments noted the potential legal issues behind these types of maintenance jobs and referred to the landlord as a “slumlord”.
The video is reminiscent of another painting mishap that went viral earlier this year, when Twitter user @chellzyeah tweeted a photo of a cockroach permanently embedded in white paint with the caption, “my landlord painted over a f***ing cockroach”.
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The ‘landlord paint job’ seems to be a common occurrence, with users sharing their own experience in response to the TikTok. “This happened to me too,” one commenter said. “They spray-painted over a whole potato.” Another claimed that their landlord “painted over dead flies” in their window sill.
The video currently has 3.5 million views and is still growing, with users continuing to weigh in on the absurdity.