Rachel McDermott
Apr 11, 2018
Ingo Gerlach /
This jealous pheasant had his feathers ruffled when he walked in on his hen having sex with another bird.
The scorned male got into a flap after seeing the two birds romping in the grass.
The rooster ran after its rival and fought him off - as his cheating missus skulked away with her tail between her legs.
Photographer Ingo Gerlach, 64, said:
The pheasant immediately knew his hen was being unfaithful.
He rapidly ran towards the cheating pair with his wings spread wide and hacked at his head before a wild fight began.
Each were threatening each other, jumping and hacking at each other. It was a wild fight.
The love triangle unfolded near Lake Neusiedl in Burgenland, Austria, where large number of pheasants roam the countryside.
Ingo explained:
Each pheasant had only one hen which is rather unusual as pheasants like to gather a whole harem of up to twelve hens around them.
This meant there was a woman shortage and the pheasants scouted around for mates.
The drama started sooner or later when one pheasant took advantage of his neighbour and went after his hen.
The fight lasted only a few minutes before the two males settled their differences.
Ingo Gerlach /
Ingo added:
The pheasants rested the fight and began to face each other and nod their heads.
In addition, they ran side by side quickly side by side to try and show their dominance.
The whole natural spectacle took only a few minutes until the situation was resolved.
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