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Louis Dor
Apr 09, 2017

Jakub Marian
Jakub Marian, our favourite Czech linguist, mathematician, and artist, has made yet another informative map.
This one revolves around April, the fourth month in the Gregorian calendar.
In most European languages it's derived from the Latin, 'Aprilis'.
All of those are shown in red on the map below:
The Polish 'kwiecieÅ„' and Ukrainian 'kvÃten’' come from the slavic word for 'to blossom', while the Czech 'duben' likely is derived from 'dub' meaning oak.
The Croatian 'travanj' translates from 'tráva', which means grass.
It mostly seems to indicate spring has sprung.
And given that it was 25 degrees celsius in London this weekend, it seems fitting.
HT Jakub Marian
More: The name for every European country in Mandarin, Korean and Japanese