The Conversation (0)
Alex Barrett
Sep 24, 2017

Getty Images/iStockphoto
We're so used to being the dominant species on the planet, it's not something we often comprehend.
If you pause for thought, you'll remember that humans are pretty incredible.
A recent Reddit thread discussed this phenomena, trying to tie together the best and most remarkably flawed aspects of humankind.
So without further ado, here's humanity's best:
1. Livers
2. Psychology and confirmation bias
3. The human body's ability to heal
4. Among our biggest achievements
5. Endurance
6. Sleep
7. Society
8. Knowledge and science
9. Technology
10. Self-awareness
11. The heart
12. Procreation
13. Co-ordination
14. Self-interest
HT Reddit
More: Humans may face extinction sooner than we thought, study finds