There were several reports of 120-pound bear in the store
Shoppers were stunned over the weekend when a black bear wandered into a grocery store – and it was all caught on camera.
American actress, Tisha Campbell Martin shared the video to Instagram titled, “THAT AIN’T NO DAMN PUPPY!” before writing, “A freakin’ BEAR ya’ll?! Fo real??? The store clerks shooed him out. There was no policeman called no damn fire dept no veter-effin-narian. NUTHIN!!!! When you left the store you were on your own!!!”
The bizarre video, which has been viewed nearly half a million times, shows the bear aimlessly walking down one of the aisles. A customer can be heard in the background of the video greeting the bear with “hi baby.” The bear prompted Campbell Martin to leave the store, “Now I gotta leave”, she said.
David Balen of Porter Ranch neighbourhood council said: “I thought the video was amazing”, though he pointed out that he was glad nobody came into contact with the bear as “anything can happen.”
Authorities managed to contain the bear inside a construction area behind Walmart@tishacampbellmartin / Instagram
The Department of Fish and Wildlife reported multiple sightings of the 120-pound bear. They were eventually able to capture the bear safely after hiding under a trailer for a considerable time before officials could reach it.
The bear was tranquilized before it was relocated. Jake Coombs of the Department of Fish and Wildlife said:
“It was decided that the best route for not only public safety but also for the bear itself was to chemically immobilise the animal, which we were successful in doing.
“And it’s on its way back to the Angeles National Forest for release to a suitable habitat.”
People are to call the Department of Fish and Wildlife if they spot a bear sighting.